We are working to build a customize versions that help Cooperativas in Paraguay to enjoy to technical world.
Actually we participate on a gouvernamental aceleration program called InnovandoPy (startup.innovando.gov.py), our services initially will be based in three types of saves products and many type of loans in the first step.
Oscar: I have 10 years experience working at Vision Banco SAECA, a bank based in microfinancial products, many months working at Telefuturo in technical support and radiofrecuences area, developer and Google Developers Group of Asuncion member.
David: Licenciado Analista de Sistema, Front end, back end multilanguage developer, more than 6 years experience in freelance works and technical support.
Ruben: BI team at Vision Banco SAECA, developer.
-Microfinance Product.
-Technical suport process based on ITIL.
-Front end/Back end developing.
10 years expirience working at Vision Banco SAECA from Paraguay in differents areas like Operational IT process, Comercial Process, Operational/Administrative Experience, have a powerful network based in Banks Chief, cashiers; Bank Owners.