We invite pioneering financial inclusion providers to sign up for a trial instance of Mifos X. This cloud instance will help you quickly evaluate Mifos X while we get you connected with a local Partner for long-term support. In exchange for your feedback, this trial instance will be freely available  for up to three months (then you’ll be transitioned to a local partner for paid support or continue on your own with limited support from the community). If interested in signing up, please fill out the form below and we’ll contact you shortly with details of your trial instance.

Test out the Rapidly Evolving Mifos X Platform

Mifos X is a brand new platform, with every line of code being written from the ground up to deliver a true flexible platform for financial inclusion. Mifos X has already surpassed Mifos 2.x in depth of feature set with including more in-depth client data tracking, greater flexibility in portfolio and product management, lightweight reporting, and a robust accounting module.

Everything you loved about the award-winning Mifos 2.x user interface and easy-to-use workflows is returning to the design of the new interface. The beautiful new user experience has been designed by a senior UX designer from VMware who conducted an extensive three-month review with our user base.  It retains the simplicity of the old design yet enhances the flexibility of the new platform.  We have implemented this on a state-of-the-art architecture that will provide more fluid and responsive performance even in low-bandwidth connections. We continue to optimize the new UI so changes are happening daily.


  • Free 3-month cloud-hosted sandbox environment of Mifos X in the Amazon EC2 cloud providing you enterprise-level security, backups, and real-time access to your data. (support will be transferred to local Mifos Partner at end of three months or you can move onto a simple low-cost community hosting plan)
  • Direct input and feedback on the features and requirements that go into the Mifos X roadmap.
  • Support and troubleshooting for setup and configuration via our community mailing lists.


  • Active usage and data entry in your sandbox environment including feedback and testing to ensure functionality meets user requirements successfully on your personal unique cloud instance of Mifos X
  • Feedback on the user experience by reviewing mockups and testing out the actual workflows in the platform.
  • Communication of your business use cases and functional requirements and gaps not currently filled the software by:
    • Participation in interviews via Skype or phone to record and document your operational processes, workflows to conduct business and data entry operations
    • Sharing of any relevant operational manuals, process flow diagrams, or loan processing documents that reflect these requirements
    • Verification of the accuracy of these requirements as posted to our wiki or issue tracker
  • Participation in community-wide online user meetups that occur bi-weekly.

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